Bugzilla is an open-source issue and bug tracking system that allows developers to keep a track of the existing problems with their products. It is written in Perl and uses the MYSQL database.
Bugzilla has a Google-like bug search that is simple to use, and it also searches the full text of a bug. Bugzilla is a free tool, and the installation of this application or tool includes certain procedures and processes. The usage of this tool requires Perl, Database Engine (MySQL, Postgre SQL. Oracle), Web server (Any web server that can run CGI scripts), Bugzilla Files, Perl Modules, and Mail Transfer Agent.
But did you know that there are some great alternatives to Bugzilla that you can consider? So, let’s take a look at some of the best Bugzilla alternatives. By the end of this article, we’re sure that you’ll have in-depth information about the various options, their features, and the pricing structure.