FreezerPro is an easy-to-use, quick-loading, dependable, and secure web tool that uses visually understandable, customizable "freezer maps" to pinpoint the precise location of a frozen sample.
FreezerPro Cloud is a ready-to-use solution that includes numerous features to guarantee accurate data entry and prompt access for analysis and reporting. These features include sophisticated data mining, automatic data validity checks, hundreds of alert settings, and built-in integration with Microsoft Excel. Contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation trial and learn how FreezerPro can simplify your lab's sample management at a price your budget will love.
There are a bunch of decent tools out there that offer the same array of services as FreezerPro. And it can sure get confusing to choose the best from the lot. Luckily, we've got you covered with our curated lists of alternative tools to suit your unique work needs, complete with features and pricing.