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Lucidchart is created by professionals, for professionals. It's an online application built on open web standards, so you never have to worry about compatibility. It is a great tool to present your ideas effectively.
For ease of use, they've integrated with Google Apps, Google Drive, Confluence, JIRA, Jive, and other productivity tools. And when you switch from Visio to Lucidchart, your team will save 75% on average. The Lucidchart team knows that diagramming can be tedious.
Estonia has quickly emerged as a hotspot for startups, earning global recognition for its dynamic and innovative ecosystem. Estonia's startup scene has flourished, with over...
With its diverse landscapes and multicultural heritage, Canada is quickly becoming a key player in the global startup ecosystem. Major cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and...
Kenya has emerged as a prominent startup hub, driven by a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem and supportive government policies. The country boasts over 300 active startups,...