Uphold is a cloud-based financial service platform that empowers people to safely move, convert, hold and transact in different assets.
Simultaneously, a large number of people who are engaged with the cryptocurrency community share a longing to expand the transparency of these financial platforms. In the case of Uphold, the platform was inspired to some extent by the absence of monetary transparency revealed by the 2007-2008 financial crisis. Uphold broadcasts its reserve status in real-time, providing the specific asset and liability balances for its tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 reserves, as one concrete illustration of this commitment. The corporation undergoes a quarterly audit to confirm its solvency.
There are a bunch of decent tools out there that offer the same array of services as Uphold. And it can sure get confusing to choose the best from the lot. Luckily, we've got you covered with our curated lists of alternative tools to suit your unique work needs, complete with features and pricing.