Indie Hackers is a platform to consider if you are an entrepreneur looking to connect with like-minded professionals.
The focus is on "independent" entrepreneurs or business owners that derive their income directly from clients as opposed to from an employer. Soon after Stripe acquired Indie Hacker in April 2017. In the end, its variety of features and services make it the perfect platform for aspiring business owners wishing to connect with like-minded individuals, share their own experiences, and discover new information and relatable individuals. It will change the way that aspiring business owners engage with others, and provide like-minded people with an outlet for connecting.
There are a bunch of decent tools out there that offer the same array of services as Indie Hackers. And it can sure get confusing to choose the best from the lot. Luckily, we've got you covered with our curated lists of alternative tools to suit your unique work needs, complete with features and pricing.