Product Details

With a global network of 240,000 edge servers, Akamai is an important content distributor network for many businesses across the globe. To provide quick and easy content delivery Akamai positioned their edge servers directly in ISPs or the mobile data towers reducing delay in connecting with user ISP before entering the Akamai network.

Akamai has one of the strongest technology among all the CDNs and has the ability to handle complex demands.

Why we like it
  • Create & Share Docs Instantly
  • Manage Projects Easily
  • Startup Discounts
Why we like it
  • Efficient and Intuitive
  • Ideal for remote work and collaboration
  • Easy to use
Why we like it
  • Fast and Effective
  • Easy sharing of end results
  • Screen recording and Narration
Why we like it
  • Easy File Transfer and Uploading
  • Great Interface
  • Fast Upload, Transfer and Download speed

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