Product Details

WhatFontIs helps designers identify the fonts used in pictures and provides them with a download source. With a library of over 600K fonts (both for commercial or free use), This can quickly identify the fonts used in images, thanks to its advanced AI.

All you have to do is upload a clean image, let the tool separate the letters, and confirm the letters identified by filling the empty spaces shown. Once you've finished this process, WhatFontIs will show you over 60 lookalike fonts.

Why we like it
  • Create & Share Docs Instantly
  • Manage Projects Easily
  • Startup Discounts
Why we like it
  • Efficient and Intuitive
  • Ideal for remote work and collaboration
  • Easy to use
Why we like it
  • Fast and Effective
  • Easy sharing of end results
  • Screen recording and Narration
Why we like it
  • Easy File Transfer and Uploading
  • Great Interface
  • Fast Upload, Transfer and Download speed

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