Product Details

The company's website, Facebook page, or streamlined software portal could all be used to collect applications. Zengine by WizeHive is a platform that helps grantmakers increase their impact by being adaptable, powerful, and simple to use. You can regain command by switching to an end-to-end system that can handle all your data and tasks in a way that is conducive to how you run your program.

Why we like it
  • Easy to Use
  • Instant results
  • Clean and high quality mock ups
Why we like it
  • Efficient and Intuitive
  • Ideal for remote work and collaboration
  • Easy to use
Why we like it
  • Fast and Effective
  • Easy sharing of end results
  • Screen recording and Narration
Why we like it
  • Easy File Transfer and Uploading
  • Great Interface
  • Fast Upload, Transfer and Download speed

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